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3x24 Zirconia Alumina 50 Grit Sander Belt, y-weight<br>A&H Abrasives 837396
BEST ABRASIVE BELTS FOR PLANING WOOD, HEAVY STOCK REMOVAL AND LONG LIFE.||Specifications: Width=3 in, Length=24 in, Abrasive=ZIRCONIA ALUMINA||Specifications: Abrasive Bond=PHENOLIC RESIN, Backing=CLOTH, Backing Weight=Y||Specifications: Treatment=WET/DRY
BEST ABRASIVE BELTS FOR PLANING WOOD, HEAVY STOCK REMOVAL AND LONG LIFE.||Specifications: Width=3 in, Length=24 in, Abrasive=ZIRCONIA ALUMINA||Specifications: Abrasive Bond=PHENOLIC RESIN, Backing=CLOTH, Backing Weight=Y||Specifications: Treatment=WET/DRY